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October 2024

We like to revise our phonics sounds by writing on our whiteboards.
In S.E.S.E., we are learning about the lives and culture of people living in Egypt with Ms. Quinn. 
We have great fun learning new skills with Jon, our rugby coach! 
During maths week, we learned to subtract 3 digit numbers by borrowing from the tens and/or hundreds. The students worked together in groups to create a shop. Then they challenged each other to find the difference in cost between two items in the shop. 
3rd class were shown how to create a piece of code and transfer it to a Microbit using the chromebooks. Thank you to Ann Kinsella for teaching us all about Microbits! 
In science, 3rd class are learning about bones and the human skeleton. In groups, they worked together to create a skeleton and then they labelled each of the bones.